The reader said,
"Supporting efforts of entertainment sources that are already doing the right thing is so much a part of this. Uplifting and morally strong sources need financial backing to continue. Choosing to put our "money where our mouths are" in terms of supporting these venues will send a strong message to these industries that it is worth it to clean up things, because that is what will sell. More word-of-mouth positive reviews and promotions for such good sources of entertainment might help others choose wiser and help the good venues be so successful that things would change."
By way of helping to promote the good, and in no way am I being paid to do this, I would like to review some positive entertainment pieces for us to support and encourage.
Last Saturday my husband and I went to the movies. Beforehand, I thoroughly researched "Gravity" on with their handy Parents Guide feature that you can click on and they will give you the low down on the content. It looked clean, and I had really been wanting to see it as I find astronaut movies intriguing. This movie blew my expectations out of the water. I have to say that this might be one of my favorite films of all time. It sucks you in, and you literally feel like you are experiencing floating in space. Yes, you get a queasy tummy, especially if you see it in 3D like we did, but don't let that deter you. Not only is it highly entertaining, but it has mind-blowing depths and symbolism that seem hard to come by from Hollywood these days. It gave me hope that there are still good people out there who want to send a good message and are not just interested in making a buck through excessive violence or sexuality. See this movie. It still has me thinking.
If you already saw "Gravity" and want to discuss it. Leave a comment. Or leave a review of some uplifting entertainment that you recently encountered. I always love a good recommendation.
"Gravity" was a great movie. I agree with the sickening feeling. I enjoyed the symbolism of how we have tests and constant trials in our lives and how we need to keep on moving and not give up. I am a big "Star Wars" fan and, for me, these movies talk about the good against the evil and the powers that are associated with each side. "Contact" was another great movie that talks about how faith is important no matter what others say or believe. Nowadays it's hard to find good, deep, uplifting entertainment, but it is good to see that there are some out there, especially this day and age.